01 August 2012

Ayanamsha And The Precession Of The Equinoxes

These days I started wondering whether Ayanamsha and The Precession Of The Equinoxes are really one and the same. I don't think they are. I think there is a difference. To put it very simply, just as the orbital period of the moon is different from the synodic month; the Ayanamsha is different from The Precession Of The Equinoxes. Though they are apparently similar.

In the post "The World Destroying Time" dated 21 Feb. 2012; though I said I would explain the nearly 1800 years difference between Sri Yukteswar Ayanamsha and the Precession of the Equinoxes as observed by modern science, I failed to explain it. I am really sorry. I could only show how other numbers like the number of days in an orbital period of the moon, the synodic month, the number of days in a solar year can all be derived from the number 54 and I was able to show the number used by ancient Indians as an approximation of Pi (333/106). What caught my attention about those numbers was that they are not lengthy decimals like those observed by modern science; but they are quite close to the numbers given by science. And when you multiply with 24,000. They don't leave a decimal number, and are exactly precise to the last day.

I attempt an explanation to the roughly 1800 year difference. I might be wrong but please consider it.

Sri Yukteswar's Ayanamsha deviation per year is 0°0'54".

Science puts the Rate of Precession around 0°0'50.2" to 0°0'50.3". The rate per year is not constant.


If you take 0°0'54"

1296000/54= 24,000 Solar Years.

As observed by science,

1296000/50.2=25816.733067729083665338645418327 Solar Years

1296000/50.3=25765.407554671968190854870775348 Solar Years

So, it is somewhere between 25,765 Solar Years to 25,816 Solar Years.

If you take 25,772 years, then the rate of precession will be around,

1296000/25,772=50.287133322986186559056340214186" Arc Seconds.

Ancient Indians, obviously, paid more attention to the synodic month than the orbital period of the moon. The synodic month is generally measured from New Moon to the next New Moon. Remember, a synodic month is roughly 2 days longer than the orbital period. So, if you are considering the synodic month from the orbital period, the moon doesn't just cover the 360° but covers another 26°40'. Roughly covering  386°40'. This is because of the simple reason that measurement is from New Moon to next New Moon and not a point on the circumference of a circle, (in this case, not a fixed point on the orbit).

For example, let's assume, a new moon occured exactly on 6°40' of Krittika Nakshatra dividing the nakshatra exactly into two halves. The next new moon occurs not at 6°40' of Krittika Nakshatra but in Mrigashira Nakshatra. For convenience, let's assume it occured exactly on centre of Mrigashira Nakshatra. So, totally, 360°(Full Revolution) + 6°40' of Remaining Krittika Nakshatra + 13°20' of Rohini Nakshatra + 6°40' of Mrigasira Nakshatra.

360°+26°40'=386°40'. This is because we are not following the Orbital period but the Synodic Period. New Moon to New Moon.

In Vedic astrology, the each nakshatra of 13°20'00" are further divided into 4 parts of 3°20'00" each. They are referred to as Padas. In a zodiac sign of 30 Degrees; you will have 9 Padas of three consecutive nakshatras. I always wondered about these padas. What real purpose were they serving? Dividing the cosmos into 27 Nakshatras itself is quite a punishment. And then a nakshatra into 4 Padas? Easier said than done. There will be 108 Padas in 360 Degrees.

Now, what happens when we mutiply 25,772 with 54?

25,772*54=1391688. Well, you will end up covering greater than 360 Degrees.

360° = 1296000" Arc Seconds.


You will cover 95688 Arc Seconds extra. This number when written in Degrees° Minutes' Seconds"?

95310= 26°34'48".


8 Padas = 26°40'00" or 96000 Arc Seconds.

Suppose, we add 1296000+96000=1392000

and divide with 54?

1392000/54=25777.777777777777777777777777778 !!!

The above number, is it the period in years for the Precession of the Equinoxes to come back to the same point?

Now, I think we know why the Padas are used.

My explanation might look ridiculous. First download the free book "Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach" by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao. He's the guy who created the freeware Vedic astrology software program, Jagannatha Hora. You will find the link in Jagannatha Hora website. In that book, In "1.3.8 Tithis and Lunar Calendar", he explains how the tithis are calculated. Please remember; the calculations in the book are not the author's. He is just showing how the Ancient Indians calculated the tithis. In " Tithis" P.V.R. Narasimha Rao says, "In lunar calendar, one day stands for one tithi. Tithi or lunar day is a period in which the difference between the longitudes of Moon and Sun changes by exactly 12°."

There are 30 tithis in one month. So, 30°*12=360°. NEVER FORGET, THIS IS THE SYNODIC MONTH AND NOT THE ORBITAL PERIOD OF THE MOON.

Then why does it work? Because it is a method used to calculate the position of the Moon from The Sun. It does not calculate the position of the moon on its orbit.

In the same way, the ayanamsha is not a method to calculate a point on the orbit. It is a method to calculate the position of Our Beloved Sun in relation to the centre of the galaxy in it's path around it's dual. Just as the moon, though it is revolving around the earth, the tithi is given in reference to the Sun. Sri Yukteswar clearly says, in page 8 of The Holy Science, "... and the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves round it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac."

When Sri Yukteswar was writing the book in 1894, he must have referred to the Precession of the Equinoxes as an immediate proof for his statements about the dual.

--- --- --- --- ---

There is a chance that my 54 to the power of 4 is some kind of mnemonic which the Ancient Indians used and I bumped into it quite unwittingly.

A better way of calculationg the Draconitic Year :-

54 to the power of 4 = 8503056.
360 Degrees = 1296000 Seconds
328.05/12=27.3375 -- Orbital Period Of Moon.
346.528125 -- Draconitic Year
Science puts it at 346.620075883 Days in a Draconitic year.

--- --- --- --- ---

21 February 2012

The World Destroying Time

...there is no new thing under the sun.
Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.
The Bible
Ecclesiastes Chapter-1 : Verses 9-11

The Blessed Lord said:
I am the World Destroying Time,
The Bhagavad Gita - 11:32

...he uttered his voice, the earth melted.
The Bible - Psalms 46:6

...among luminaries I am the radiating Sun;...among heavenly bodies, I am the Moon.
...among measurers, I am Time...
...I am immutable Time...
...I am all-dissolving Death...
The Bhagavad Gita - 10:21-34

I am the rod of the discipliners; I am the art of those who seek victory; I am also the silence of all hidden things, and the wisdom of all knowers.
The Bhagavad Gita - 10:38

Be still, and know that I am God...
The Bible - Psalms 46:10

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM...
The Bible - Exodus 3:14

The Self is known to everyone but not clearly. You always exist. The Be-ing is the Self. ‘I am’ is the name of God. Of all the definitions of God, none is indeed so well put as the Biblical statement “I AM THAT I AM” in EXODUS (Chap. 3). There are other statements, such as Brahmaivaham, Aham Brahmasmi and Soham. But none is so direct as the name JEHOVAH = I AM. The Absolute Being is what is - It is the Self. It is God. Knowing the Self, God is known. In fact God is none other than the Self.
Sri Ramana Maharshi
29th November, 1935
Talk 106
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God”. Stillness is the sole requisite for the realisation of the Self as God.

Later Sri Bhagavan said the whole Vedanta is contained in the two Biblical statements:
“I am that I AM” and “Be still and know that I am God.”
Sri Ramana Maharshi
23rd January, 1937
Talk 338
Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

*** *** *** *** ***

Sri Yukteswar's Ayanamsha deviation per year is 0°0'54".

The greatest hurdle to Sri Yukteswar's yuga theory comes from science. Science says rate of Precession Of The Equinoxes is around 0°0'50.2" to 0°0'50.3". The rate per year is not constant much to everybody's headache, and more importantly to me. There is roughly 1800 years difference between Sri Yukteswar's 24,000 and the 25,772 years as observed by science. I noticed this difference on day one of my study of ayanamsha. Though I fixed the dates of the incidents in The Mahabharata in July. 2009, this 1,800 years difference became a nagging problem for me. For more than one year I tortured myself trying to find sense. In Sept./Oct. 2010, after failing many many times, I got tired and just started playing with the calculator. It's then that I found the answer. The number which opens the secret of the cosmos.

24,000 years is the time The Sun takes to revolve around "The Dual". A "Year" is measured" in different ways. So, we must know what the Ancients mean by Year. A Solar Year and a Lunar Year and most importantly how they united the Lunar Year and The Solar Year to make the Luni-Solar Calendar.

There is only one number which everyone should remember and using that number you can find out all other important numbers.

It is the two digit number 54.


54 to the power of 4 = 8503056.

8503056 Total number of days in 24,000 year period.

8503056/24000=354.294 -- This is the LUNAR YEAR.

354.294/12=29.5245 -- This is the Synodic Month

Science puts it at 29.530589 Days.

29.5245*37=1092.4065. According to Vedic Astrology, 37 Synodic Months = 3 Solar Years.

1092.4065/3=364.1355 -- This is the SOLAR YEAR


There is an ancient calendar called the "Enoch Calendar", it has only 364 days. An intercalary day or two is added occasionally. Just as we have one day extra in every leap year. I feel that the Enoch Calendar itself is based on a much older calendar.

364*8=2912 -- Enoch Calendar

364.1355*8=2913.084 (2812+1)

In "Vedic Astrology: An Integrated Approach", a book written by the software developer of Jagannatha Hora, P.V.R Narasimha Rao; while explaining the Indian calendar chose 355 days as the round figure.

355/12=29.5833333333 Days



364.861111111 -- PVR's Solar year.

When we say "day" we generally mean the 24 Hour period. But when the ancients say "day", they mean the period when there is sunlight. And the period between sunset and sunrise is "night". And the roughly 24 Hour period is referred to as "Ahoratra".

Ahoratra = 1 Day + 1 Night.

1200 Solar Years -- Kali Yuga
2400 Solar Years -- Dwapara Yuga
3600 Solar Years -- Treta Yuga
4800 Solar Years -- Satya Yuga

1200+2400+3600+4800=12000 Solar Years

12000 Solar Years = "Age of the Gods" or "divine age" or Daiva Yuga.

Thousand Daiva Yugas = One Day Of Brahma.

1000*12000=12000000 = One Day Of Brahma

An equal time is a One "Night" of Brahma.

12000000+12000000=24000000 Solar Years -- An Ahoratra Of Brahma.

I feel 10 Ahoratras of Brahma = 1 Revolution around our Galaxy.

24,000,000*10=240,000,000 Solar Years. {I may be wrong.}

Just as we don't expect The Sun to appear suddenly and shine brightly right on our heads in the middle of the night (as it does in mid-day), we should not expect that a Satya Yuga will come right after a Kali Yuga. The yugas also have an ascending and descending order. After 1200 years of Descending Kali Yuga you will have another 1200 years of Ascending Kali Yuga, then Ascending Dwapara Yuga, Ascending Treta Yuga...

Descending Dwapara Yuga started in 3102 BC.
Descending Kali Yuga started in 702 BC.
Ascending Kali Yuga started in AD 499.
Ascending Dwapara Yuga started in AD 1699.
Ascending Treta Yuga starts in AD 4099.

The real noose around my neck comes now. What is an Age Of Brahma? Paramahansa Yogananda refers to an "Age Of Brahma" in a footnote in "Autobiography of a Yogi". Chapter 16. Outwitting The Stars.

As these time scales are a sequence, What is an "Year Of Brahma"? If it is there? And How many such "Years Of Brahma" make an "Age Of Brahma"? And to make matters even worse, Paramahansa Yogananda connected the time scale to space. How? By bringing that famous mathematical constant "pi" (22/7) into the picture. If he is not talking about area why does he need pi? I don't even know Mathematical tables and I have to deal with "pi". As I was chatting on the internet with a girl - an engineering student - she asked me, "How much is 2 times 2?" I told her 2 kisses on one cheek and 2 kisses on the other makes ten kisses all over the face. She has very beautiful eyes.

First big problem with pi, as you all know, is that the precision increases it does not stop. If "Age Of Brahma" is a set number of Daiva Yugas, it implies that the precision stops at some point. So, what is it? The sentence, "The life span for a whole universe, according to the ancient seers, is 314,159,000,000,000 solar years, or “One Age of Brahma.”" in Yogananda's footnote; simply becomes meaningless. Paramahansa Yogananda never tried to correct the wrong views of the Hindus the way his master Sri Yukteswar did. May be he simply thought, "Let sleeping dogs lie."

Aryabhata's 62832/20000=3.1416. Even if it is right, where or how do these numbers fit into the yuga theory? What is the connection?

Though I found the connection between 24,000 years and 54 to the power of 4 in Sept./Oct. 2010 the torture continued till 16 Feb 2012 - till I found a connection between pi and "Solar Year".

It's not sufficient if you have a number it should have a connection with the other numbers used in the yuga theory. The hint lies in the phrase "solar years" mentioned in the footnote in "Outwitting The Stars" in Yogananda's Autobiography.

You should not take either the days or the years into consideration. It is the months. 37 Synodic Months = 3 Solar Years

364.1355 Days in Solar Year

354.294 Days in Lunar year

Difference is
364.1355-354.294=9.8415 Days.

In 24000 years it is 9.8415*24000=236196 Days.

In Synodic Months 236196/29.5245=8000. Exactly 8000 Synodic Months.

There are 288000 Synodic months in 24000 Lunar Years.

288000+8000=296000 Synodic months = 24000 years with 364.1355 Days each.


The number I suggest is
333/106=3.14150943396226 {The sequence of numbers "4150943396226" keeps repeating.}

The general consensus is that the ancient Indians did not know about the 12-Sign Zodiac, though they knew about the nakshatras. It is also thought that they did not know about eclipses till Aryabhata turned up. The historians, archaeologists, astro-archaeologists, scientists, all are of the opinion that ancient Indians thought that an Asura called Rahu swallowed the Sun and The Moon.


37 Synodic Months = 3 Solar Years

A year is divided into 12 months. If my 333/106 is right, and if the months are more important than the days or years, this very condition implies that the ancient Indians divided the cosmos into 12 Zodiac signs. Not only that...


3129.597/9=347.733 Days

There are 347.733 Days in a Draconic Year.

Science gives a number close to the number I arrived at for a Draconic Year. As the word indicates. It has everything to do with Rahu and Ketu, also called "Dragon's Head" and "Dragons Tail" or "ascending node" and "descending node" respectively. 347.733 shows that Ancient Indians knew about eclipses and their causes and also know how to predict an eclipse. They are not imbeciles like the later day Hindus to assume that an asura called Rahu is making a meal of The Sun and The Moon. If the historians, scientists and others do not find information in the books, well, I will remind them of their own rule. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". I also ask a simple question. Which is easier? Dividing the cosmos into 12 zodiac signs or into 27 Nakshatras?

When I say "Ancient Indians" I refer to people who lived in and in places very close to present day political boundaries of India and who belong to a time period before 702 BC. I DO NOT want to refer to Ancient Indians as "Hindus". I have a fear that they will curse me if I do so.

Some other calculations...

54 to the power 5



360 Degrees = 1296000 Seconds




328.05/12=27.3375 -- Orbital Period Of Moon.

Science puts it at 27.321582 Days




28.096875*13=365.259375 -- Is this the Average Sidereal year for 24,000 years?

Science puts it at 365.256363004 Days in a Sidereal year.

Then, how many Solar Years makes an Age Of Brahma? I do not know. I did not try to find it. For the past three years I was not just eating, drinking and sleeping ayanamsha, I was even breathing ayanamsha. I am tired.

So, the conclusion is, Ancient Indians Knew about,

Precession Of The Equinoxes,
pi, (333/106)
The 12 sign Zodiac and
Everything concerning eclipses
And most probably the "Space-Time".

There is no copyright on what I post in this blog. Do what you please with it.

I took Hindus throwing stones at Sri Yukteswar, personal.

Everything that you read in this blog are my own observations. I did it all alone, without any help from anyone.

I stand alone,
I fight alone,
And when my time comes,
I will fall alone.
