14 November 2016

Modus Operandi Of The Police

I do not say I understood the strategy of the police completely; but I certainly could figure out much of it. It is very effective because it is extremely simple. At this point I want to make it very clear that I do not want to repeat myself. If you have not already read it please read the post "Straight From The Horse's Mouth" to know the principal names of the people involved.

The Modus Operandi :-

First, Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar will meet his police friends and get a SIM Card of a person who is caught in anti-social activity. The person might be a whore or a pimp. Then he will give it to a daughter of IY Naidu. When my mother calls that particular daughter's landline or cellphone number; that woman only has to say that she now has a new cellphone number and give the number Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar had given her. From then on, she will receive the calls only if my mother calls that particular number and not the landline or the previous cellphone number. As my mother would be blissfully unaware of the plan, she would speak to her. The topics might be something like the daily serials in the local language or in Hindi or some topic equally nonsensical. You should not forget that the police are also listening to the conversation, as they are tapping the phones and probably even recording the conversations. After ten or fifteen such calls; the police will officially take a call list or call log for the phone numbers we are using from the landline or cellphone service provider -BSNL in this case. Then Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar along with a constable or one from slightly higher rank and will take a copy of the call log to friends of my mother or my friends and show it to them and say that we are in contact with an Anti-Social Element and that they found out what we were doing in their "investigations". If the friend says he does not trust the printout, he will be taken to BSNL Office to see the "proof" for himself. The records will clearly show calls from our numbers to The Anti-Social Element. For all practical purposes Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar is not even lying! Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar or the police will not mention they have the recordings and they will not play the recordings -as they are not even supposed to have them. Then Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar will sing a song extempore in Sanskrit competing with his forefather Narayana Theertha on how ashamed he is to have relatives like us. Needless to say, the friends will start shitting in their clothes. Obviously, the friends will try to avoid us. Now, the friend or friends will be requested to co-operate. How? They will be given SIM Cards! The same cycle again this time with new numbers adding to the earlier number. After a few months some of the friends and relatives completely stop speaking to us or they will not be using their SIM Cards at all. So technically they have all stopped speaking to us "years earlier" and they never heard from us!

The police were given very good equipment to control both Landline Phones and Cellular Phones mainly to monitor terrorists. They are misusing the equipment. From what I could observe they can intercept and stop calls and SMSes and release {if I can use the word "release"} them at their whim and fancy. The calls and SMSes will have the original "dialled on" or "sent on" dates.

For example; I got a call from 1409980119 to my cellphone on 20-Sep-2016 around 12:18 PM. I knew it was a new number. But the call history showed three earlier calls!!

21-Jun-2015 05:41 PM
17-Sep-2015 12:19 PM
24-May-2016 09:20 PM

The calls of 21-Jun-2015; 17-Sep-2015; 24-May-2016 were not logged by my cellphone till 20-Sep-2016!! I AM DAMN SURE, I DID NOT MISS THEM. The numbers were not logged till 20-Sep-2016.

With this capability; the police themselves might call using the SIM Cards and cellphones confiscated from anti-social elements or from criminals arrested earlier and then stop the call before it reaches the target Cellular Phone and then "release" them at a later date. It is probably even more convenient with SMSes.

Though I started suspecting Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar from 4-Nov-2013; I did not figure out what he was actually trying to do till 9-Feb-2015. It was only on 9-Feb-2015 that I realized that Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar and his police friends were trying to accuse me of being a pimp and my mother a whore.

Numbers Starting With 1409------

I do not know about the rest of India but in Visakhapatnam the numbers starting with 1409------ are generally assumed to be advertisement numbers. For the most part they really are. Probably when you receive a call from a number starting with 1409------ you might hear a movie song from the local language or Hindi or even a Hindu Devotional song requesting you to choose it as your ringtone by pressing some number (from 1-9) or star (*) or hash (#) or whatever.

I now say I sometimes did make the mistake of receiving some calls though I did not select any ringtones. "Mistake"? Yes, mistake. Read on, you will get a heart attack.

Since 01-Aug-2016, I started noticing a pattern. Numbers in the Missed Call Log started changing.

I will give an example. Take the following number: +919248145556

I followed the format of

YYYY.MM.DD -- (AM/PM) -- Time -- Call From (Number) -- and Call To (Number). This is the format I followed for The Missed Call Log. Please note that I ignored +91 prefix before each number.

The Missed Call Log used to look like this for the number 9248145556.

2016.03.18 AM 11:59:00 --> 9248145556
2016.03.19 PM 06:27:00 --> 9248145556
2016.05.20 AM 10:20:00 --> 9248145556
2016.05.26 PM 12:41:00 --> 9248145556

From 01-Oct-2016, the call log started looking like the list below :-

2016.03.18 AM 11:59:00 --> 1409980103
2016.03.19 PM 06:27:00 --> 1409980103
2016.05.20 AM 10:20:00 --> 1409980103
2016.05.26 PM 12:41:00 --> 1409980103

2016.10.01 PM 07:57:00 --> 1409980103
2016.10.14 AM 09:05:00 --> 1409980103

What I want to ask is;
if 9248145556 can become 1409980103 then it is equally logical to assume that a number starting with 1409------ can become some Non-Advertisement number!!! What if some of those numbers are actually those belonging to Anti-Social Elements?

When I saw the 1409------ numbers on 26-Apr-2013 I did the stupid act of calling back! I thought someone wanted to speak to me. I thought the numbers 1409------ belong to some new cellphone service provider.

The following numbers changed.

1409931027 became 1409980305
1409980107 became 1409980104
1409980315 became 1409931026
4027520130 became 8405029248
7660833973 became 1409980105
9160908975 became 1409931027
9248145556 became 1409980103
9491621987 became 1409263709
9494972356 became 9489741809 became 1409980311
9502889676 became 1409765123
9652145133 became 1409980307
9908470577 became 1409980316
55678666 became 1409931024 {Do Not Know Why This Number Has Only 8 Digits}

Sometimes an advertisement number changed into another advertisement number.

I will not be surprised if

9441375990 became 1409260018
9441376108 became 1409260081

9441375990 and 9441376108 were numbers I used earlier. Registered in the name of my friend, Vijay Das.

Some of the numbers in The Missed Call Log are definitely BSNL Landline numbers particularly from the cities of Visakhapatnam and Hyderabad. Except for three or four numbers in the log rest are Missed Calls. They are "Missed Calls" because I did not receive those calls. Many times I actually watched the incoming call without receiving the call.

So, moral of the story is;

Use numbers registered in your own name. I learnt this the hard way. Try to avoid using any other number as much as possible.

DO NOT receive an unknown number call even if you are sure it is an advertisement number. DO NOT call back either.

If you are a person who have to receive calls from unknown numbers for professional reasons, have atleast three cellphone numbers. First number, for your very personal use. DO NOT give the personal number to more than two or three people. Second number, for professional work -you might actually need more numbers in professional category. Third number, for your friends and other riffraff. Try not to mix these numbers up.

It is a good idea to have a landline number -with caller ID. Or HAVE A CELLPHONE BUT TREAT IT LIKE A LANDLINE NUMBER. Do not carry it away from your house. Use it for services where you receive SMSes such as booking of Cooking Gas; Electricity Bills; Your Bank account Balances, cellphone connected to Aadhaar number, and also for e-mail password verification. It is common sense that it is dangerous carrying a cellphone containing these details.

If you have friends who have a habit of calling you from unknown numbers; tell them in no uncertain terms to go fuck their mothers. It is your arse on the line. Just do not receive their calls. And if you yourself have this habit of calling from unknown numbers better curb it. You might end up jeopardizing the person whose number you used and whose power and influence you completely underestimated. These problems will come back to bite your arse faster than you think that too in unimaginable ways. In fact, getting sodomized with a jackhammer at the busiest junction might seem like an experience only in heaven compared to what might happen to you.


If anyone gives you a landline or cellphone number -Especially cellphone numbers; DO NOT JUST JOT THE NAME AND NUMBER. Write down when and where you are receiving it. Write down THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE also. Not just the name of the city -down to the fucking address if possible. You do not know which microscopic speck of information will actually make the whole picture crystal clear to you later.

DO NOT even respond to SMSes offering you goodies like "Thousand Rupees Top-Up Free". Remember the American saying,"There is no such thing as a free meal". If something is too good to be true it is not true at all.

Lastly, memorize the following prayer. I read it in Young World. Yeah, that supplement paper you get in The Hindu newspaper.

From those I trust, God guard me;
From those I mistrust, I will guard myself.

- Italian Proverb

The Hindu
Young World
Saturday 27-January-1996

Only Italians can come up with wisdom like that. Do not forget to read Mario Puzo's "The Godfather" regularly {you would do that anyway if you already read it once} and also read "The Last Don" atleast once. I do not remember verbatim, but as Ram Gopal Varma once wrote, "If you have not read The Godfather, you deserve to be shot." The truth is guys, the world is so crooked if you do not read The Godfather you will end up dead anyway. Atleast pray to God that your death and the deaths of your loved ones will be painless or atleast with as little pain as possible.


The Missed Call Log

2010.11.23 PM 04:18:00 --> 9963798964   9441376108
2010.11.29 PM 12:45:00 --> 9550283425   9441376108
2013.03.15 PM 12:36:58 --> 8818329852   9441376108
2013.03.25 AM 07:11:53 --> 8179108197   9441376108
2013.03.25 PM 03:25:12 --> 8179108197   9441376108
2013.03.25 PM 05:45:00 --> 8985758542   9441376108
2013.04.06 PM 01:44:02 --> 9032825593   9441376108
2013.04.06 PM 12:06:11 --> 8818329852   9441376108
2013.04.06 PM 12:08:49 --> 8818329852   9441376108
2013.04.10 PM 01:01:54 --> 4043436666   9441376108
2013.04.12 AM 11:17:45 --> 9440751856   9441376108
2013.04.23 PM 03:48:00 --> 9912822124   9441376108
2013.04.23 PM 04:55:00 --> 8500644464   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 01:35:41 --> 1409805470   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 01:40:43 --> 1409805470   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 01:57:03 --> 1409980306   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 02:03:58 --> 1409980306   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 02:04:05 --> 1409980306   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 02:04:49 --> 1409980306   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 02:08:50 --> 1409805470   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 02:08:59 --> 1409980306   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 02:15:04 --> 1409806900   9441376108
2013.04.26 PM 12:26:17 --> 1409805470   9441376108
2013.05.08 PM 05:08:36 --> 4443053246   9441376108
2013.05.08 PM 05:33:42 --> 8520980278   9441376108
2013.05.08 PM 05:36:38 --> 8520980278   9441375990
2013.05.08 PM 12:01:44 --> 4443053246   9441376108
2013.05.09 AM 11:23:25 --> 1409806707   9441376108
2013.05.15 PM 06:12:17 --> 9922700986   9441376108
2013.05.17 AM 07:14:59 --> 8374610834   9441376108
2013.05.17 AM 08:32:26 --> 9491147781   9441376108
2013.05.22 PM 01:57:37 --> 9059594783   9441376108
2013.05.22 PM 12:25:24 --> 1409805460   9441376108
2013.05.28 AM 10:02:54 --> 7382642229   9441376108
2013.05.29 PM 01:38:54 --> 8512018071   9441376108
2013.06.03 PM 01:36:22 --> 8818329852   9441376108
2013.06.06 AM 08:40:31 --> 9963597557   9441376108
2013.06.07 PM 12:00:29 --> 1409281066   9441376108
2013.06.09 PM 01:48:20 --> 1409807177   9441376108
2013.06.14 PM 12:33:24 --> 1409806811   9441376108
2013.06.20 PM 01:36:54 --> 9441225584   9441376108
2013.06.21 PM 01:05:44 --> 1409806831   9441376108
2013.06.21 PM 03:41:38 --> 1409806708   9441376108
2013.06.21 PM 06:50:29 --> 1409980305   9441376108
2013.06.21 PM 12:43:21 --> 1409805486   9441376108
2013.06.25 PM 01:05:44 --> 1409806831   9441376108
2013.07.31 PM 12:22:11 --> 1409806727   9441376108
2013.08.08 PM 02:16:53 --> 1409980103   9441376108
2013.08.12 PM 12:33:56 --> 1409806825   9441376108
2013.08.13 PM 03:23:20 --> 1409980103   9441376108
2013.08.20 PM 04:29:32 --> 1409980310   9441376108
2013.08.27 PM 07:37:16 --> 4040040742   9441376108
2013.08.28 PM 07:45:39 --> 8019513700   9441376108
2013.08.29 PM 10:40:17 --> 8790369844   9441376108
2013.08.30 PM 12:45:15 --> 8790369844   9441376108
2013.09.01 PM 06:34:15 --> 8790369844   9441376108
2013.09.11 PM 04:26:04 --> 8818223580   9441376108
2013.09.15 PM 04:26:52 --> 9030552663   9441376108
2013.09.15 PM 04:26:52 --> 9030552663   9441376108
2013.10.07 PM 10:26:10 --> 8179108197   9441376108
2013.10.07 PM 10:27:18 --> 8179108197   9441376108
2013.10.07    12:27:00 --> 8818223580   9441376108
2013.10.11 PM 05:22:23 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.10.12 PM 07:26:34 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.10.17 PM 09:14:51 --> 8796319298   9441376108
2013.10.27 PM 06:54:43 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.10.27 PM 07:01:54 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.11.19 PM 05:38:35 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.11.19 PM 05:54:45 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.11.19 PM 05:55:42 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.11.20 PM 08:56:57 --> 9030552663   9441376108
2013.11.21 PM 07:49:13 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.11.21 PM 07:49:54 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.02 PM 07:12:59 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.02 PM 07:14:10 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.02 PM 07:16:54 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.06 PM 05:32:56 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.06 PM 05:33:38 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.06 PM 05:34:23 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.06 PM 05:50:23 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.07 PM 12:51:19 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.08 PM 06:07:48 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.08 PM 06:08:21 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.14 PM 05:34:04 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.15 PM 05:52:14 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.18 PM 05:58:28 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.18 PM 06:20:00 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.19 PM 07:40:49 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.19 PM 07:42:23 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.21 PM 05:45:41 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.21 PM 05:46:14 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.27 PM 07:35:36 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2013.12.27 PM 07:37:16 --> 9849038661   9441376108
2014.01.11 PM 01:04:00 --> 9247002592 0891-2759475
2014.01.22 AM 16:22:00 --> 1409263543 0891-2759475
2014.01.23 AM 11:01:00 --> 9247090313 0891-2759475
2014.02.09 PM 09:02:31 --> 9490280914   9441376108
2014.02.10 PM 03:06:00 --> 8977602025 0891-2759475
2014.02.10 PM 12:53:00 --> 7794006409 0891-2759475
2014.02.12 PM 09:27:00 --> 7794006409   9441376108
2014.02.13 PM 01:17:11 --> 1409980302   9441376108
2014.02.18 PM 08:26:56 --> 7794006409   9441375990
2014.03.02 AM 10:58:24 --> 1409980301   9441376108
2014.03.08             --> 9884416315   9441376108
2014.03.09 PM 05:46:22 --> 1401040337   9441376108
2014.03.09 PM 05:47:11 --> 1401040337   9441376108
2014.03.11 PM 03:49:40 --> 7386226444   9441376108
2014.03.11 PM 03:50:30 --> 7386226444   9441376108
2014.03.11 PM 04:11:34 --> 7386226444   9441376108
2014.03.16             --> 8912743177   9441376108
2014.03.16 PM 12:56:00 --> 8912743177 0891-2759475
2014.03.18             --> 9440703440   9441376108
2014.03.19 AM 09:34:29 --> 9505791743   9441376108
2014.03.19 AM 09:49:40 --> 9505791743   9441376108
2014.03.19 AM 09:50:10 --> 9505791743   9441376108
2014.03.19 AM 09:59:46 --> 9505791743   9441376108
2014.03.19 AM 10:14:50 --> 9505791743   9441376108
2014.03.25             --> 9885097557   9441376108
2014.03.27             --> 7794006409   9441376108
2014.04.01 PM 04:47:27 --> 9441377118   9441376108
2014.04.01 PM 05:13:15 --> 9441377118   9441376108
2014.04.01 PM 05:17:10 --> 9441377118   9441376108
2014.04.01 PM 05:18:09 --> 9441377118   9441376108
2014.04.02             --> 8632359684   9441376108
2014.04.03             --> 9787700474   9441376108
2014.04.14             --> 9505504927   9441376108
2014.05.05 AM 11:06:26 --> 1409711284   9441376108
2014.05.16 PM 12:31:01 --> 8912718377   9441376108
2014.06.12 AM 11:37:59 --> 1409980302   9441376108
2014.06.23             --> 7386354038   9441376108
2014.06.26             --> 1409260029   9441376108
2014.07.04             --> 1409263543   9441376108
2014.07.05 AM 08:52:55 --> 9912499345   9441375990
2014.07.05 AM 08:54:21 --> 9912499345   9441375990
2014.07.05 AM 09:39:27 --> 9912499345   9441375990
2014.07.09 PM 12:13:05 --> 9912499345   9441375990
2014.07.29             --> 9347303502   9441376108
2014.08.01             --> 1409260019   9441376108
2014.08.02             --> 8922275111   9441376108
2014.08.20             --> 9440082159   9441376108
2014.09.05             --> 8121486179   9441376108
2014.09.05             --> 8870578239   9441376108
2014.09.05             --> 9951055089   9441376108
2014.12.26 PM 12:48:19 --> 7032491086   9441376108
2015.01.08 AM 10:05:26 --> 9390663156   9441376108
2015.01.08 PM 10:24:01 --> 9390663156   9441376108
2015.02.10 AM 11:13:58 --> 4069000212   9441376108
2015.03.03 PM 04:54:27 --> 4066526000   9441376108
2015.03.03 PM 05:04:20 --> 4066526000   9441376108
2015.03.15 PM 01:05:35 --> 9505433306   9441376108
2015.03.20             --> 1409807525            
2015.03.31 AM 10:15:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2015.03.31 AM 10:58:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2015.03.31 AM 10:58:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2015.03.31 AM 11:14:00 --> 1409980316   New SIM  2
2015.03.31 AM 11:14:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2015.03.31 AM 11:14:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2015.04.03 PM 05:56:00 --> 1409980316   New SIM  1
2015.04.24 PM 07:26:00 --> 1409980316   New SIM  1
2015.05.10 PM 04:49:00 --> 8916666906 0891-2759475
2015.05.12 PM 04:52:00 --> 1409980310   New SIM  1
2015.05.15 AM 09:38:00 --> 9989718080   New SIM  1
2015.05.15 PM 06:42:00 --> 9032013281 0891-2759475
2015.05.29 PM 06:26:17 --> 9844820711   9441376108
2015.05.31 AM 09:51:05 --> 9844820711   9441376108
2015.05.31 AM 11:13:00 --> 9844820711   New SIM  2
2015.05.31 PM 06:47:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2015.05.31 PM 07:59:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2015.06.02 PM 02:46:00 --> 1409980309   New SIM  1
2015.06.02 PM 09:31:00 --> 9844820711   New SIM  2
2015.06.09             --> 9502889676   New SIM  2
2015.06.09 PM 08:11:00 --> 9502889676   New SIM  2
2015.06.16 PM 12:50:00 --> 1401952051   New SIM  2
2015.06.17    12:26:00 --> 9581505032 0891-2759475
2015.06.18 PM 04:27:00 --> 9502889676   New SIM  2
2015.06.21 PM 05:41:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  2
2015.06.24 PM 04:39:00 --> 4027520130   New SIM  2
2015.06.24 PM 04:39:00 --> 8405029248   New SIM  2
2015.06.24 PM 04:39:00 --> 9440000098   New SIM  1
2015.07.01 AM 10:30:00 --> 9492366633 0891-2759475
2015.07.01 AM 10:35:00 --> 9492366633 0891-2759475
2015.07.01 AM 10:46:00 --> 9492366633 0891-2759475
2015.07.01 AM 10:52:00 --> 9492366633 0891-2759475
2015.07.04 AM 09:29:00 --> 9703773433   New SIM  1
2015.07.04 AM 09:30:00 --> 9703773433   New SIM  1
2015.07.04 AM 09:32:07 --> 7096492096   9441376108
2015.07.10 PM 12:18:00 --> 9502889676   New SIM  2
2015.07.14 PM 12:33:00 --> 9441289189   New SIM  2
2015.07.15 PM 01:11:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2015.07.15 PM 01:11:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  1
2015.07.29 PM 02:10:00 --> 9490786373   New SIM  1
2015.07.29 PM 02:55:00 --> 9490786373   New SIM  1
2015.07.29 PM 02:56:00 --> 9490786373   New SIM  1
2015.07.29 PM 04:33:00 --> 9441289189   New SIM  2
2015.07.31 PM 01:35:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2015.08.10 PM 04:25:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2015.08.10 PM 04:25:00 --> 9502889676   New SIM  2
2015.08.10 PM 04:30:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2015.08.10 PM 04:30:00 --> 9502889676   New SIM  2
2015.08.12 PM 08:06:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2015.08.12 PM 08:06:00 --> 9502889676   New SIM  2
2015.08.15             --> 9494972356   New SIM  2
2015.08.15 PM 12:05:00 --> 9494972356   New SIM  2
2015.08.15 PM 12:07:00 --> 9494972356   New SIM  2
2015.08.15 PM 12:08:00 --> 9494972356   New SIM  2
2015.08.15 PM 12:09:00 --> 9494972356   New SIM  2
2015.08.17 PM 06:13:00 --> 9494972356   New SIM  2
2015.08.17 PM 06:13:00 --> 9494972356   New SIM  2
2015.08.17 PM 06:24:00 --> 9494972356   New SIM  2
2015.08.18 PM 05:22:00 --> ??55678666   New SIM  2
2015.08.18 PM 05:25:00 --> ??55678666   New SIM  2
2015.08.20 PM 01:38:00 --> 1409931027   New SIM  2
2015.08.20 PM 01:38:00 --> 9160908975   New SIM  2
2015.08.24 PM 05:34:00 --> 1409980312   New SIM  2
2015.08.24 PM 05:38:00 --> 9441289189   New SIM  2
2015.09.01 PM 02:16:00 --> 9441289189   New SIM  2
2015.09.06 PM 06:01:00 --> 1409980307   New SIM  2
2015.09.06 PM 06:01:00 --> 9652145133   New SIM  2
2015.09.16 PM 04:18:00 --> 1409980312   New SIM  2
2015.09.17 PM 12:19:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  2
2015.09.21 PM 01:18:00 --> 1409931026   New SIM  2
2015.09.21 PM 01:18:00 --> 1409980315   New SIM  2
2015.10.14 PM 08:15:00 --> 9160408067 0891-2759475
2015.11.15 PM 11:00:00 --> 8179230378 0891-2759475
2015.11.18 PM 04:20:00 --> 8884612129 0891-2759475
2015.11.30 PM 12:32:00 --> 1409931026   New SIM  2
2015.11.30 PM 12:32:00 --> 1409980315   New SIM  2
2015.12.14 AM 00:00:00 --> 8374527324 0891-2759475
2015.12.17 PM 04:05:00 --> 9030065883 0891-2759475
2015.12.18             --> 9032013273 0891-2759475
2015.12.24 AM 10:40:00 --> 8179230378 0891-2759475
2015.12.24 PM 03:27:00 --> 9347303502 0891-2759475
2015.12.24 PM 05:40:00 --> 9494677729 0891-2759475
2016.01.01 PM 07:10:00 --> 9951055089 0891-2759475
2016.01.02 AM 09:22:00 --> 1409980104   New SIM  2
2016.01.02 AM 09:22:00 --> 1409980107   New SIM  2
2016.01.02 PM 03:20:00 --> 9019362333 0891-2759475
2016.01.07 AM 06:59:00 --> 7095679475 0891-2759475
2016.01.11 PM 06:56:00 --> 9603676236 0891-2759475
2016.01.14 AM 09:07:00 --> 1409980104   New SIM  2
2016.01.14 AM 09:07:00 --> 1409980107   New SIM  2
2016.01.14 AM 10:11:00 --> 1409980316   New SIM  2
2016.01.14 AM 10:11:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2016.01.14 AM 10:11:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2016.01.14 AM 10:19:00 --> 1409980316   New SIM  2
2016.01.14 AM 10:19:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2016.01.14 AM 10:19:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2016.01.18 AM 08:30:00 --> 1409980316   New SIM  2
2016.01.18 AM 08:30:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2016.01.18 AM 08:30:00 --> 9908470577   New SIM  2
2016.01.20 AM 11:32:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.01.23 PM 10:04:00 --> 9160408067 0891-2759475
2016.01.23 PM 10:05:00 --> 9603676236 0891-2759475
2016.01.28 PM 12:29:00 --> 9393912277 0891-2759475
2016.02.04 PM 03:02:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.02.04 PM 03:05:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.02.05 PM 06:31:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.02.05 PM 06:46:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.02.05 PM 06:47:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.02.05 PM 06:47:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM          --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM          --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM          --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM 06:44:00 --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM 06:47:00 --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM 07:09:00 --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM 07:10:00 --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM 07:29:00 --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM 08:09:00 --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.09 PM 08:15:00 --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.10 AM 07:02:00 --> 9441369488   New SIM  2
2016.02.12 PM 08:37:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.02.12 PM 08:37:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.02.12 PM 08:39:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.02.12 PM 08:39:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.02.12 PM 08:40:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.02.12 PM 08:40:00 --> 9491621987   New SIM  2
2016.02.18 AM 09:12:00 --> 9951055089 0891-2759475
2016.02.20 PM 11:22:00 --> 9160408067 0891-2759475
2016.02.27 AM 10:03:00 --> 4027520130   New SIM  2
2016.02.27 AM 10:03:00 --> 8405029248   New SIM  2
2016.03.02    11:40:00 --> 4066273799 0891-2759475
2016.03.05 PM 06:38:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.03.05 PM 06:38:00 --> 9502889676   New SIM  2
2016.03.16 PM 01:38:00 --> 9573778560 0891-2759475
2016.03.16 PM 02:00:00 --> 9573778560 0891-2759475
2016.03.17 AM 08:04:00 --> 9573778560 0891-2759475
2016.03.17 AM 08:21:00 --> 9573778560 0891-2759475
2016.03.18 AM 11:59:00 --> 1409980103   New SIM  2
2016.03.19 AM 09:23:00 --> 9573778560 0891-2759475
2016.03.19 PM 06:27:00 --> 1409980103   New SIM  2
2016.03.29 PM 04:47:00 --> 9590956475 0891-2759475
2016.03.29 PM 12:19:00 --> 9343418580 0891-2759475
2016.04.12 PM 12:06:00 --> 8912894454 0891-2759475
2016.04.13 PM 10:30:00 --> 8912894454 0891-2759475
2016.04.14 PM 09:15:00 --> 8912894454 0891-2759475
2016.04.25 PM 11:26:00 --> 9160408067 0891-2759475
2016.04.27 PM 01:49:00 --> 8912578282 0891-2759475
2016.05.13 AM 11:47:00 --> 8884655674 0891-2759475
2016.05.19 AM 17:58:00 --> 8884090590 0891-2759475
2016.05.20 AM 10:20:00 --> 1409980103   New SIM  2
2016.05.24 PM 09:20:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  2
2016.05.26 PM 12:41:00 --> 1409980103   New SIM  2
2016.05.31 PM 04:19:00 --> 8912755378 0891-2759475
2016.06.03 PM 04:45:00 --> 9705003029 0891-2759475
2016.06.27 PM 09:31:00 --> 9160408067 0891-2759475
2016.06.29 AM 07:27:00 --> 7660833973   New SIM  2
2016.06.29 PM 05:43:00 --> 7660833973   New SIM  2
2016.07.11 PM 01:25:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.07.11 PM 03:54:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.07.12    12:58:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.07.12 AM 09:38:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.07.12 AM 10:31:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.07.12 PM 01:40:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.07.12 PM 01:59:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.07.12 PM 02:59:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.07.13 AM 09:42:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.07.13 AM 10:16:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.07.25 AM 10:55:00 --> 9032013276 0891-2759475
2016.07.25 PM 01:08:00 --> 9489741809   New SIM  2
2016.07.25 PM 01:09:00 --> 9489741809   New SIM  2
2016.08.01 PM 05:02:00 --> 1409931027   New SIM  2
2016.08.02 PM 01:47:00 --> ??55678666   New SIM  2
2016.08.03 PM 01:04:00 --> 9441289189   New SIM  2
2016.08.07 PM 01:56:00 --> 1409980307   New SIM  2
2016.08.07 PM 05:44:00 --> 1409980312   New SIM  2
2016.08.08 PM 04:38:00 --> 8912552124 0891-2759475
2016.08.09 PM 11:48:00 --> 9440156147 0891-2759475
2016.08.13 PM 01:51:00 --> 1409931026   New SIM  2
2016.08.20 AM 09:04:00 --> 1409980104   New SIM  2
2016.08.22 AM 11:05:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.08.23 PM 07:42:00 --> 1409980316   New SIM  2
2016.08.24 AM 11:44:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.08.24 PM 04:47:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.08.24 PM 12:35:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.08.25 AM 09:45:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.08.25 PM 01:23:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.08.25 PM 03:24:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.08.25 PM 04:52:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.08.26 AM 03:24:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.08.26 AM 09:42:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.08.26 AM 11:38:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.08.26 PM 02:36:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.09.07 AM 09:08:00 --> 8405029248   New SIM  2
2016.09.07 PM 09:45:00 --> 9160408067 0891-2759475
2016.09.08 AM 11:10:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.09.08 PM 02:48:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.09.08 PM 05:25:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.09.08 PM 06:48:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.09.10 AM 10:17:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.09.10 PM 01:07:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.09.10 PM 02:53:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.09.10 PM 03:49:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.09.10 PM 05:12:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.09.10 PM 06:07:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.09.12 AM 09:53:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.09.12 AM 10:35:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.09.12 AM 11:05:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.09.20 PM 12:18:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  2
2016.09.21 AM 11:56:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  2
2016.09.21 PM 04:57:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  2
2016.09.21 PM 06:21:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  2
2016.10.01 PM 07:57:00 --> 1409980103   New SIM  2
2016.10.06 PM 07:38:00 --> 1409980104   New SIM  2
2016.10.07 PM 01:01:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.10.08 AM 10:10:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.10.08 AM 11:44:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.10.08 PM 01:45:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.10.09 PM 05:05:00 --> 1409980105   New SIM  2
2016.10.09 PM 09:04:00 --> 1409980104   New SIM  2
2016.10.12 PM 04:52:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.10.13 AM 10:34:00 --> 1409980311   New SIM  2
2016.10.14 AM 09:05:00 --> 1409980103   New SIM  2
2016.10.14 PM 03:14:00 --> 1409980105   New SIM  2
2016.10.14 PM 12:25:00 --> 1409980305   New SIM  2
2016.10.19 AM 10:07:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.10.19 PM 05:06:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.10.21 PM 01:09:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.10.22 AM 10:07:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.10.22 AM 10:30:00 --> 9951055089 0891-2759475
2016.10.22 AM 11:41:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.10.22 PM 01:15:00 --> 1409263709   New SIM  2
2016.10.22 PM 06:21:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.10.24 PM 03:52:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.10.29 PM 01:48:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.11.02 AM 09:50:00 --> 9603676236 0891-2759475
2016.11.02 PM 01:56:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.11.03 AM 09:48:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.11.03 PM 12:10:00 --> 1409931024   New SIM  2
2016.11.03 PM 02:14:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.11.03 PM 02:57:00 --> 7794006409 0891-2759475
2016.11.04 AM 10:02:00 --> 1409260018   New SIM  2
2016.11.04 PM 07:58:00 --> 1409980312   New SIM  2
2016.11.05 PM 03:49:00 --> 1409260081   New SIM  2
2016.11.07 AM 00:03:00 --> 9160408067 0891-2759475
2016.11.09 AM 10:58:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.11.09 PM 12:03:00 --> 1409980119   New SIM  2
2016.11.10 AM 09:46:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.11.10 AM 09:54:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2
2016.11.10 PM 04:52:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.11.10 PM 12:40:00 --> 1409765123   New SIM  2
2016.11.11 PM 01:55:00 --> 1409765124   New SIM  2

Distinct Numbers



Keep an eye on these numbers also


19 October 2016

Straight From The Horse's Mouth

First I should thank Google for not deleting my blog or the posts in it or The Andhra State Police would have blown my brains off the very next second. So,
Thank You Google.

Blogger Name : Ashwatthaman Philoctetes

My Real Name : Putcha Raj Sekhar
Name Of Father : PSRL Narasinga Rao
Name Of Mother : P Jayasree Rao

Nationality : Indian
Mother Tongue : Telugu

Caste: Brahmin
My Father is a Brahmin. My mother is a Non-Brahmin. Putcha is my Father's Surname. Want my Gotra? It is Gautama Sagotra.

Horoscope Details:

Name : Putcha Raj Sekhar
Date Of Birth : 05 Nov. 1979
Time Of Birth : 07:45:00 PM {19:45:00} Indian Standard Time
Place Of Birth :
Guntur {83 E 18'00"; 17 N 42'00"}
Guntur General Hospital
Andhra Pradesh

Aadhaar Card Number : 5525 3427 2670
Aadhaar Card Number should NOT be given away like that. But who cares, the police I am sure, are having a field day with it anyway.

We are not residing at the address given in the Aadhaar Cards. We shifted on 3-Jun-2013 to the house bearing the following address:

Putcha Raj Sekhar
Sector - 7
Pincode - 530 007
Andhra Pradesh

I am now giving my landline telephone number DO NOT try to call me or send SMSes. I am now sure my phones {Landline and Cellphones} were being tapped since the second half of 2010. I am giving the details here so that you can verify it in the BSNL Online Telephone Directory.

BSNL Landline Phone Number : 0891-2759475
0891 is the STD Code.
2759475 is the Actual Phone Number

Cellular Phone Service Provider : BSNL

What really worsened my problem was, the cellphone numbers {BSNL Prepaid SIM Cards} I used earlier. They were registered to an acquaintance of mine. His name is Vijay Das. He was a close friend of my friend. I cannot contact them without alerting the police or they themselves might alert the police. May be the police threatened my friends that their arses will be thrown in prison. I am really sorry that Vijay Das' helping nature should bring him into this hell. I could not even tell him to give a letter in BSNL Office requesting termination. One employee of BSNL suggested that I should just stop using the numbers. How am I supposed to explain my plight to him? As it is a prepaid card, the numbers were kept active by occasionally topping them up!! May be the police themselves were topping it up.

BSNL Prepaid Numbers are

The BSNL Prepaid Number My Mother Used

+91 9441375990
The number is registered to Vijay Das.
Number activated on 22 or 23 -Mar-2008
The last time I personally topped up the phone was on 21-Nov-2014 around 14:45 for Rs. 50/-.

Nokia 2630 Black
IMEI : 359822014435329
Phone purchased on 21-Mar-2008

The BSNL Prepaid Number I Used

+91 9441376108
The number is registered to Vijay Das.
Number activated on 22 or 23 -Mar-2008
The last time I personally topped up the phone was on 12-Mar-2015 around 14:30 for Rs. 50/-.

Nokia 2626 Black
IMEI : 358996016170968
Phone purchased on 21-Mar-2008
On 6-Sep-2014 around 14:42 a boy representing the elctricity board asked for the aadhaar number and mobile number of the person in whose name the electricty meter is registered. I told him that I do not know. He entered the mobile number I was using and impatiently jotted some number for aadhaar.

The electricty meter number 1111963814 077420
Registered to KVR Chodary {House Owner}

Aadhaar : 3329 6652 3114
Mobile : 9441376108

Even the latest electricity bill issued on 16-Oct-2016 at 10:45 has the mobile number 9441376108.

When I was using those numbers I interchanged the SIM Cards between the above mentioned phones. But I never used those SIM Cards in any other phones.

Though I initially used to insert the SIM cards into the phones to check whether they expired or not, I removed the SIM cards once and for all on 4-Jul-2015. To test I used to call those numbers from my landline phone. I do not remember verbatim but I used to get a reply similar to this. "The person you are trying to reach has either switched off or is in out of coverage area. Please try after some time." If the numbers were expired, you will get a reply like,"This number is not in use." I stopped calling these numbers even from my landline phone. The last time I called was probably in the last week of Oct. 2015. I never dialled those numbers again, not even from a coin box. I once received an SMS Advertisement from BSNL. That you can use your own voice as a ringtone. After I saw that SMS I got a doubt. What if the police recorded a reply like,"This number is not in use." and use it as a ringtone to bait me into calling the number? A retired aged colleague of my mother spoke to us on 25-Aug-2016. She claimed she called one or both cellphone numbers and got a reply that the number is not in use and at some other time a woman screamed at her for the wrong number call!! There is only one way to ascertain whether the said numbers expired or registered to another person. Going to BSNL Office and verifying.

I never had an internet connection to my house. Probably that is the only advantage I have. As I know nothing about networking I do not know how my internet connection would be hacked into and used. That is why I did not opt for a connection. Especially after the post "The Police Are Onto Me" I am followed so closely and I can feel it. If I fart the police are the first ones to inhale it.

Education Qualifications : B.A./LL.B
Register Number : 20348
1999-2004 Batch {5-Years Law Course}
I finally completed the course only in 2008. Whew.
Studied At :
Nandamuri Basavarama Tarakam Memorial Law College {NBM Law College}
Affiliated To Andhra University
Visakhapatnam - 530 002


Details Of My Parents:

Name Of Father : PSRL Narasinga Rao
Professor {Retired; Pensioner}
Department Of Botany
Andhra University
Andhra Pradesh

Source Of Income : Pension From Andhra University

Name Of Mother : Putcha Jayasree Rao
Assistant Professor {Retired; Pensioner}
Department Of English
College Of Arts
Andhra University
Andhra Pradesh

Source Of Income : Pension From Andhra University
Pensioner Number : 4253

As I now know who is involved; the following details of my mother become extremely important.

Name : Putcha Jayasree Rao
Maiden Name : Inala Jayasree Naidu
Name Of Father : Inala Yanadiah Naidu
Name Of Mother : Inala Vasantha Naidu
Caste : Kapu
Siblings : Seven {Living: Six; Deceased: One}

Now, for the most important question of them all. Who targeted the Blogger Ashwatthaman and his mother and why?

Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar targeted us and to ruin our lives in every possible way. Tallavajjhala is his surname. He is my relative from my mother's side. What does the epic The Mahabharata teach us? If friction between cousins of a family escalates to a high level, it means there is huge ancestral property. My maternal grandfather passed away in Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar's house in Jan. 2009 without a coin to his name. Atleast that's what I and my mother thought. For years IY Naidu lived at the mercy of his children. It never occurred to me till 6-Oct-2016; there is a very high chance that my mother's parents were not her parents at all. They were only her guardians!! We were never told. What's worse? Her siblings know that. So, there are three possibilities. Let's consider them.

First possibility; there is ancestral property, and probably the persons my mother referred to as parents were really her parents. Whatever the reason her siblings do not want to give my mother her share. Fine. Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar bring the documents. I and my mother will put our signatures. You can shove that property up your motherfucking arse.

Second possibility; there is ancestral property, because my mother is not the daughter of IY Naidu, his children do not want to share the property with her. Fine. Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar bring the documents. I and my mother will put our signatures. You can shove that property up your motherfucking arse.

Dear readers, I did not think of the third possibility till 6-Oct-2016. I was reeling for sometime. Third possibility, My mother is not IY Naidu's daughter. The ones who gave her to IY Naidu, did not just put her in his arms. Probably they gave property to be given to her later. IY Naidu failed to inform my mother. Property big enough for Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar and the police to continue relentlessly for years!! Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar bring the documents. I and my mother will decide it's fate.

On 18 Oct. 2013 we got a phone call inviting us to attend the "marriage" of Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar's cousin in Hyderabad. The date of the "marriage" was 14 Nov. 2013. I strongly felt something amiss. For those who are familiar with the novel The Godfather by Mario Puzo; it was exactly like Tessio calling Michael Corleone to attend Barzini's meeting.

The incident of 4-Nov-2013 actually made me suspect Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar. I forcefully convinced myself that he would not stoop so low. The incidents that occurred from 4-Nov-2013 to the present, I am very sure Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar is involved. How did the police make their way into the picture? May be some very high ranking police officer is now directly or indirectly a relative of the Tallavajjhala Family. For all subordinate policemen my mother is a whore and I am a pimp escaping the long arm of the law. I am sure they are all thinking that they are doing their duty as honest police officers when they are actually dumbass motherfuckers with an IQ of a trained dog.

What happened on 4-Nov-2013?

On 4-Nov-2013 around 12:30 afternoon, my aged house owner KVR Chowdary-A very considerate man-he was at the gate trying to get our attention. We keep the gate locked to avoid pestering door-to-door salesmen. I was washing dishes in the kitchen. I realized my owner was at the gate so I open it. He hardly took a few steps into the compound another man followed him. All of us came into the house. Then the house owner went out of the house, during that time the other man took a close up photograph of my face with his cellphone! When he did that I thought he accidentally got me in the frame when he was trying to take a photograph of the rainwater seeped walls. Then he took another photograph this time getting my profile. I really did not pay attention to him. I came out to find the house owner and his car driver {he too came in} walking around the house in the compound. I went to them. They were in the backyard by then. In less than a minute the man who took my photographs with his cellphone also came there. The owner told us to water the coconut trees which were in the compound and then they all left. After they left my mother told me that the man who took my photographs also took a photograph of her. Probably even a profile shot.

I am typing these words on 19 Oct. 2016. Between 3 Jun.2013 and 19 Oct. 2016. The only day KVR Chowdary ever came was on 4 Nov. 2013. I never asked him for an explanation because of a very personal problem. My sister was a schizophrenic. She is 14 months older than me. In India, it is a nightmare to find a house if you have old people in the house. No house owner wants a death in his house even from natural causes. If that is the plight of old people you should imagine the hell of finding a house if you have a mental patient in the family, an aged divorcee and her unemployed son. You are supposed to inform the owners about the lunatic and literally be at their mercy. KVR Chowdary let his house for rent to us. He automatically becomes the lord god for us. In my situation what am I supposed to do with the man who took photographs with his cellphone on 4-Nov-2013? I cannot even ask a question sternly leave alone rising my voice or getting into a full physical fight.

My sister passed away in the early hours of 24-May-2015. Reason: Heat Stroke. Anyone in Visakhapatnam will tell you that 23 and 24 of May 2015 were one of the hottest days of Visakhapatnam in recent history. If you ask us it is not heat of the sun which killed her. It is the heat from the air conditioners of the neighbouring house and opposite house which were running continuously all through the previous day and that night.

On 4-Nov-2013 that very day I knew KVR Chowdary is not at all connected to what happened. I am sure a very high ranking police officer met KVR Chowdary and gave KVR Chowdary very wrong information about us. As the house owner KVR Chowdary was expected to accompany. The one who took photographs is definitely a high ranking police officer. He was in plain clothes, obviously. How do I know it is a high ranking police officer? It is pure common sense. KVR Chowdary himself is a very rich and influential man. Do not think a beat constable pushed him around.  

Looking back, I am sure my phones were being tapped since the second half of 2010. Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar along with the police definitely contacted my friends by Nov./Dec. 2011. over the period all our friends and well-wishers were slowly distanced.

There is another equally or probably more tempting reason for Tallavajjahala Sashi Sekhar to do what he did. Sadguru Sri Chittibabaji Samsthanam in Sitanagaram. Sitanagaram is some 25 Kilometres away from Rajahmundry {East Godavari District}. There is a service organisation Parameswara Seva Samithi started by a saint. People call him Chitti Babaji. You can compare him to Shirdi Sai Baba, though for the time being Chitti Babaji is not as famous as Shirdi Sai Baba. Chitti Babaji dropped his body in 1997. The Ashram along with a temple and Sadguru Sri Chittibabaji Samsthanam Charitable Trust are now being controlled by Jaggu Babu. Jaggu Babu is the CEO of that organisation. Infact, it is Jaggu Babu's parents who made large donations to Chitti Babaji. Jaggu Babu is a very close family friend of Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar. In June 2002, more than Fourteen years ago, I and Jaggu Babu were at another ashram, there he asked me if I would be in a similar ashram. It is obvious he was asking if I would be in his ashram. Though I did not say it out, I asked myself,"What for? To sweep and wash the temple floors? I am supposed to become a lawyer." I said No. During this fourteen years the Ashram and organisation developed a lot. I am sure it is worth a few hundreds of crores. If it really grows the way Chitti Babaji claimed; it will be reaching tens of thousands of crores within the next couple of decades. Even today, this is the third week of Oct. 2016. If Jaggu Babu asks me the same question again I will still say no because I have far better ways of wasting my time. I honestly admit I felt flattered that a guy like Jaggu Babu should ask me to be there. People with MBA qualification would love to get a job like that. To be part of the temple administration. It is true that Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar was not around when Jaggu Babu asked me that question, the simple fact is I am unemployed, so there is always that chance that I might end up in the organisation. Why not make sure I will not be around? But the above reason will not explain why my mother is targeted.
On 10-Oct-2016 around 13:25 a person claiming he was representing "Prajasadhikara Survey" came telling us to keep the documents ready and that he would come after taking his food. He turned up around 16:00. he brought with him an iris recognition device and a lenovo smartphone. He told me to hold the Aadhaar cards of everyone in my family including mine. Except that it is not a slate or board with numbers. It would have been a perfect mug shot. Anyone with reasonable skill with an image editing software can actually turn it into a mug shot. We told him that our aadhaar cards have the previous residence address in them and not the present one. He did not ask us to show the present residence proof. After he entered my mother's aadhaar number and took an iris recognition, he said the battery was down. I told him there is a lot of electricity fluctuations in the house and that it is his problem if something happens to his instrument. After charging the phone for two or three minutes in my house, he said he would come again after charging the battery somewhere else. He again came at 18:00. Some of the questions he asked were;

He asked how many bedrooms? We said three. He said he will write two as that is what he was entering for everyone.
He asked the age of my mother when she got married, he asked my mother's occupation details. When I told him that she is retired and is getting a pension. He just kept repeating the same question to my mother. As if he did not understand the words retire and pension. Finally I had to bring the Bank Pass book to show him the pension amount that gets deposited every month. It is obvious that he came with some fixed conclusions about us. He did not bother about asking for present residence proof; like telephone bill or Cooking gas receipt.

He occasionally put that iris recognition device to his own eye. May be he did it to authenticate his entries. If his instrument is really contacting aadhaar; it is his iris and hence his arse.

I told him to enter the cellphone number I am now using {registered in my name} instead of 9441376108. I got SMS messages to my cellphone with update request numbers.

First two were my mother's.
00009800144784 10-10-2016 16:16
00009800146389 10-10-2016 18:00

The following request number is for my aadhaar number
00009800146510 10-10-2016 18:08

Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar
Date Of Birth : 23-Jul-1973
Name of Father : Tallavajjhala Patanjali Sastry
Name Of Mother : Inala Vijayalakshmi {She chose not to change her surname.}

House No. : 86-4-15
Behind Tummidi Apartments
Vadrevu Nagar
Manthena Gardens
Tilak Road
Rajahmundry 533 103
Andhra Pradesh

BSNL Landline Phone Number : 0883-2478801

Tallavajjhala Patanjali Sastry is a very famous Telugu writer. Locating his house is very easy.

Sashi Sekhar wrote a book The Wheel And Its Tracks - A History Of Buddhism In Early Andhra. You will find his address in that book also.

Does Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar know about the blogs at all? Yes. When I went to his house in Rajahmundry in Nov./Dec. 2011. He was going out on some work he gave me an order to create a bookmark for my blog in his browser. It implies he knows there is a blog. Though he never told me he must have read all the posts. I did create a bookmark almost immediately as he wanted. After he came back he promptly deleted everything using some temporary files cleaning software which also deleted the bookmark I created. Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar's sister and atleast three other cousins know about the blog.

Is my blog also a target as I claimed in the post "The Police Are Onto Me"? Obviously. Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar did not think twice to make a whore of my mother and me a pimp. You really think the blogs would survive? In fact it is imperative the blogs should be deleted if they have to prove that I am good for nothing except to be a pimp. I know what kind of effort I had to put in to write the articles in that blog. The only wrong estimate I made is that I would be expected to give "an unconditional apology". No. I will be simply made to delete all the posts. You cannot completely rule out the caste angle. Are you sure some police officers who are brahmins are not pissed?

Dear readers, consider the following. Almost all of us know Sir Isaac Newton studied optics (light). How many of you know that he was very interested in knowing the length of the Ancient Cubit as precisely as possible? We all know what happens when a guy like Isaac Newton concentrates on a subject. Yet he could not find out the length of the cubit though study of Ancient Cubit and light (hence sunlight) were both his subjects. Tell me what Isaac Newton would say if he reads my post "I'm Just The Translator".

Tallavajjhala Sashi Sekhar. He will be a real embarrassment. 400 Years ago, Narayana Theertha was one of the greatest poet devotees of Lord Sri Krishna from South India. He wrote Sri Krishna Leela Tarangini, a collection of devotional songs on Lord Sri Krishna in Sanskrit. Before he became Narayana Theertha his name was Tallavajjhala Narayana Sastry. The spelling "Tallavajjhala" is written slightly differently by diferent families but they all belong to the same lineage. Yes, Tallavajjhalas are Brahmins.

Dear readers, please save the contents of the blogs. There is no copyright.

Request to Google.

Please do not remove my blogs till you get an official letter in writing from the courts of law ordering you to remove the blogs. As the police are involved please verify whether the order really came from the courts. If you really should remove the post please put a scanned image of the order along with the register number which I am sure it would have.

Thank You all. And Thank You once again Google.