This controversy is going to make Sri Jesus Christ's sexual adventure passé.
That fellow Mahatma Gandhi Experimented with Truth. I will tell the results.
Truth hurts. To tell the painful Truth in a shattering manner is a vice of mine.
The Truth about Ancient India...
Among the many subjects that Ancient India had mastered, it had also mastered the science of violence and perfected it into an art. Today, the World has a God given duty to listen when India speaks about Ahimsa.
Yeah... You are reading right. It is Ashwatthaman who put an end to The Trojan War. Before I make that clear you should first take a look at the most critical dates of The Mahabharata.
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri's Ayanamsha is 00°00'00" on Vernal Equinox {March Equinox} of 0499. [ Assumed to be 22 Mar. 0499 Julian Calendar ]
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri's Ayanamsha is 20°54'36" on Vernal Equinox {March Equinox} of 1893. [ Assumed to be 22 Mar. 1893 Gregorian Calendar ]
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri's Ayanamsha Deviation per year is 00°00'54".
Don't worry if you do not know what an "Ayanamsha" is. Just read on.
{ All the following dates are according to Julian Calendar. }
Sri Krishna was born on 26 Jul. (Minus) 769. or on 26 Jul 770 BC.
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05 Dec. -744 -- Lunar Eclipse. Three Eclipses within thirty days.
20 Dec. -744 -- Solar Eclipse. There is a definite reference to this date though I cannot ascertain the incident connected to it. This date obviously has something to do with “The Uttarayana”. Winter Solstice {December Solstice}. If it is not the date on which the Pandavas were banished then it is probably the date on which Princess Uttara was born. The day probably explains her name.
04 Jan. -743 -- Lunar Eclipse.
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21 Feb. -729 -- Sri Krishna fixes the date for fighting. Sri Krishna was 39 Years old.
28 Feb. -729 -- Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse -- First Day
09 Mar. -729 -- Bhishma Falls -- Tenth Day
14 Mar. -729 -- Solar Eclipse -- Fifteenth day
17 Mar. -729 -- War Ends -- Eighteenth Day
22 Mar. -729 -- On Vernal Equinox... Bhishma Dies. { This is "Thirteenth day" from the Fall of Bhishma. This day also happens to be Shukla Ashtami. }
*** *** *** *** ***
Just because The Kurukshetra War is a sensational incident it does not mean every aspect of the incident is sensational. Even sensational incidents have humble contributors. The eclipses at the time of The Kurukshetra War were very ordinary eclipses. There was not even a total solar eclipse at Kurukshetra. There is no "Thirteenth - Day Eclipse". It is Bhishma who waited for thirteen days before he dropped his body. And our great interpolating Brahmins jumbled up the texts and made a septic tank of Veda Vyasa's milk like work. In the Sixth Parva, actually called The Bhishma Parva, there are details of the planetary positions at the time of war. But, to make our lives miserable, there are two positons for Ketu also called "Dragon's Tail". Two positions for Mars, Two positions for Jupiter, and Rahu also called "Dragon's Head" is just a few degrees away from Ketu!!! Even a person who is learning the fundamentals of Vedic Astrology will say that Rahu is ALWAYS 180 Degrees away from Ketu. So the "Vedic Astrologers" who try to fix the date take the planetary positions that they find convenient... and yes, the planetary positions that tally with decades before 3100 BC. One guy even suggested a date which takes us back to some year prior to 5000 BC!!!
The planetary positions that you read in Bhishma Parva are NOT only of The Kurukshetra War but the jumbled up positions of four major incidents of The Mahabharata. First, The Birth of Sri Krishna; Second, The Solar Eclipse on December Solstice; Third, The Planetary positions at the time of The Kurukshetra War; and Fourth, The Tsunami at Dwaraka. As I said before, our great interpolating Brahmins jumbled up the texts and made a septic tank of Veda Vyasa's milk like work.
For further information, read my other post titled "The Holy Science".
Coming back to Ashwatthaman; there is a particular line in Karna Parva where Sanjaya says to Dhritarashtra, "Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and Drona's son and Karna and Arjuna and Janardana, those thorough masters of the science of weapons, are regarded by thee as the foremost of car-warriors."
I always felt the list of "Astra Vidya Nipunas" or experts of Astra Vidya is very small. And there are only seven names in this list. Five men fighting for the Kauravas and Sri Krishna and Arjuna representing the Pandavas. I really feel this line is by Veda Vyasa. Bhishma, Drona and Karna died in The Kurukshetra War. To be precise, Bhishma died a few days after the war.
According to The Mahabharata, Ashwatthaman killed a foetus though I feel he did something else interesting enough to get cursed by Sri Krishna.
Read these very critical lines in Sauptika Parva;
The holy one said, "The fall of this mighty weapon will not be fruitless. The foetus will die. But being dead, it will live again and have a long life! As regards thyself, all wise men know thee for a coward and a sinful wretch! Always engaged in sinful acts, thou art the slayer of children. For this reason, thou must have to bear the fruit of these thy sins. For 3,000 years thou shalt wander over this earth, without a companion and without being able to talk with anyone. Alone and without anybody by thy side, thou shalt wander through diverse countries, O wretch, thou shalt have no place in the midst of men. The stench of pus and blood shall emanate from thee, and inaccessible forests and dreary moors shall be thy abode! Thou shalt wander over the Earth, O thou of sinful soul, with the weight of all diseases on thee.
The heroic Parikshit, attaining to age and a knowledge of the Vedas and the practice of pious vows, shall obtain all weapons from the son of Sharadvata. Having obtained a knowledge of all high weapons, and observant of all kshatriya duties, that righteous-souled king shall rule the earth for sixty years. More than this, that boy shall become the mighty-armed king of the Kurus, known by the name of Parikshit, before thy very eyes, O thou of wicked soul! Though burnt by the energy of thy weapon's fire, I shall revive him. O lowest of men, behold the energy of my austerities and my truth."
The "Holy One" is Sri Krishna. He must have said 30. Our Brahmin geniuses must have made it 3000. India's greatest contribution is said to be zero and our Brahmins put it wherever they please. Sri Krishna must have made love to 16 women. Brahmins made it 16,000. IN THE PAST IT IS ONLY BRAHMINS WHO HAD ACCESS TO THESE BOOKS. SO, IT IS TAKEN FOR GRANTED THAT THE BRAHMINS INTERPOLATED, EDITED AND RAPED THE BOOKS. "INTERPOLATION" is a very gentle word to use in reference to what Brahmins did to Veda Vyasa's epic. If some lines are nightmarish schizophrenic hallucinations, then some are delusions of grandeur and with occasional sexual fantasies about the queens. May be we would again need the Brahmin interpolators to coin a word for what they did. I really wonder what Veda Vyasa would say if he sees his "epic" now.
Sri Krishna must have said 30. And he probably said that Parikshit would live for 60 years and not as written. Sri Krishna was 66 years and 6 Months old when he died on 15 Feb -702. Sri Krishna was 39 at the time of war. Ashwatthaman would be between 32 and 36 at the time of war. Add 30 to that and he too would be probably dead by the time he was 62 or 66 or 70 maximum. He would certainly be at least 4 years younger than the youngest Kuru prince. If what we read in the Mahabharata is true, Drona came to Hastinapura for the sake of his young and very innocent little son, Ashwatthaman who needed milk. And Drona ended up as the teacher of the Kuru princes who were already around 8 to 10 years old. Even if we do give the Brahmins the benefit of doubt and assume it is 3000; then I feel it would be through a series of lifetimes and not one single lengthy lifetime as Hindus were given to understand by the Brahmins.
Only four Astra Vidya experts were alive after the war. Kripacharya, Sri Krishna, Arjuna and the absolutely impulsive Ashwatthaman. And Ashwatthaman was told to get out. "Banished" if you want to use a better word.
From that point on Ashwatthaman was a stinking expert archer and a vagabond.
And in a place called Ilion also called Troy, the Greeks were fighting against the Trojans. Very nice. And the Greeks were told that the bow of Hercules has to be used if the Greeks wanted victory. Who has this bow? It is with a guy called Philoctetes. What is his description? PHILOCTETES IS A STINKING EXPERT ARCHER IN RAGS!!!
Before we derive our conclusions let's know the Greek version of who Philoctetes was.
Philoctetes was a Greek king and was one of Helen's suitors. He joined the other Greeks along with his army to attack Troy. But on their way to Troy they all stopped at some island where a snake bit Mr. Philoctetes. And the injury filled with pus started stinking. Unable to bear the stink, the Greeks left Philoctetes on the island obviously without his knowledge. And the Greeks sailed to Troy along with the army of Philoctetes. At the end of the tenth year, after Achilles died, the Greeks realised that they need Philoctetes if they have to take Troy. So they decided to bear the stink and they bring that stinking expert archer in rags. Philoctetes kills Paris. And in the meanwhile Odysseus comes with his "Trojan Horse" idea.
Now, my contention is this...
The Greeks were not going to attend a party when they were going to Troy. They were going there to wage a war. After a long day's war anyone would stink because of the sweat, dirt and blood, that too if he is lucky enough to be alive in the first place. In a war, a person being skilled is more important than how he smells.
So, I feel Ashwatthaman must have gone there and his presence put an end to the war. Whether the Greeks fought for ten years or not is immaterial. Whether they were fighting for Helen or not also is immaterial. Ashwatthaman must have seen the Greeks fighting against the Trojans. How did he become the friend of Greeks? I do not know. May be the intelligent Odysseus played a crucial role in the hand shake.
Within a few fleeting moments Ashwatthaman must have wiped out the entire city of Troy of all of its able bodied men. May be the only thing he allowed the Greeks to do was to rape the Trojan women, kill the children and burn the city. Or in one word "desTROY".
What are the Greek soldiers going to tell their children, wives and parents after they go home? That they fought for a long long time without even successfully making a hole in the wall of Troy? That a Nobody from Nowhere came and finished the job in the blink of an eye and walked away? And that their only significant contribution to the Trojan War is raping the helpless unprotected women of Troy? Many Greeks from many small kingdoms came to Troy. Each group must have created a story each. Two stories remained unto this day. In one version Ashwatthaman is introduced to us as a Greek king called Philoctetes and the other, the more famous one. The "Trojan Horse". A gigantic wooden horse that finally desTROYed Troy. Ashwatthaman is that "Trojan Horse". The meaning of the word "Ashwatthaman" is "He whose laughter resembles the neighing of a horse". "Ashwa" means "Horse".
Honestly, I cannot give a good solution to how Ashwatthaman communicated with the Greeks. Obviously, Ashwatthaman had a bow in his hand, that should indicate that he is either a warrior, or a hunter. And in rags should show that he is in need of financial help. And certainly he would be hungry. May be Odysseus approached him with a plate of food. And in return Ashwatthaman must have done them a little service -that of wiping out Troy. The Greeks must have in some way were able to ask him his name and probably Ashwatthaman simply pointed to a Horse.
The Greeks may not like my theory. And as I had all along been saying that the Brahmins interpolated the epics of India. The Greeks might use it against me and say that it's the Brahmins who deliberately created this situation after reading or becoming familiar with The Greek Epic Cycle. It is true that The Mahabharata reached its present form somewhere in the Fourth Century AD some 600 to 700 years after Alexander's visit to India with his "World Conquest". There is a very high chance of Brahmins having borrowed heavily from The Greek Epic Cycle. I will never overrule that possibility. But I have a very simple question here. Then how are the Greeks going to explain Philoctetes' absence for nearly ten years? That the fellow is stinking and hence left on the island is pure BULLSHIT. Let the Greeks come with a more logical reason. The Greeks certainly cannot accuse the Brahmins of interpolating the Greek Epic Cycle. It is not Brahmins who said that Philoctetes was not a part of the Trojan War till the fag end. The Greeks say that.
Now, for a critical Astrological or Astronomical question. The scientists say that Odysseus returned home on 16 Apr. 1178 BC?
Use the FREEWARE Vedic Astrology Software Jagannatha Hora v.7.33. And keep toggling between Sayana and Swami Sri Yukteswar's Ayanamshas. I don't say the software is precise but it serves the purpose and above all it's FREE.
The scientists give these planetary details...Odysseus is told to watch the Pleiades {Krittika} and late-setting Boötes {Swati} and keep the Great Bear to his left. Next, five days before the supposed eclipse, Odysseus arrives in Ithaca as the Star of Dawn - that is, Venus - rises ahead of the sun. And that there was a solar eclipse close to noon local time and Mercury was in retrograde.
I say that the scientists chose a date which tallied with their archaeological findings. They did not fix the date completely basing on the planetary positions. The Sun and the Moon were in or near Pleiades {Krittika} on 16 Apr. 1178 BC. But why was Odysseus also asked to take a look at Boötes {Swati}? There are no planets there. Only Ketu. And let me remind my readers that Ketu is not a planet. It is not even a tangible celestial object. It is called a "Chhaya Graha" or "Shadow Planet" in Vedic astrology. It is also referred to only as a "mathematical point" by some astrologers. So what was Odysseus told to look at? And Mercury was in retrograde motion a couple of months before the said eclipse. And the "Maximum Eclipse" occured around 20 minutes after 12:00.
Now, consider the date I suggest. 19 Oct. -703. It was also a day of solar eclipse at Ithaca. The "Maximum Eclipse" occurred around 20 minutes before 12:00. There are no planets in or near Pleiades {Krittika}. The Sun and the Moon are in the constellation called Boötes {Swati} roughly 180° away from Pleiades {Krittika}. Mercury is in Retrograde motion. And Venus is 10° ahead of the sun though in retrograde motion. Then why was "Pleiades" {Krittika} referred to if there were no planets there? Well, this is what Wikipedia had to say about Pleiades {Krittika} star cluster, "It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky." So, I say Odysseus was first told to look at Pleiades {Krittika} and then look exactly opposite at Boötes {Swati} which is roughly 180° away from Pleiades {Krittika}.
Personally, I cannot pinpoint the constellation Pleiades {Krittika} much less the Boötes {Swati}. Though Krittika also happens to be my Janma Nakshatra. For all I care the stars are only the haphazard droppings of strange birds on the floor called "Sky". Yo, I am becoming poetic. Having read Brahmin interpolations for so long I too am getting poetic. Hope it doesn't get to epic proportions.
The solar eclipse which took Odysseus home was the very same eclipse which was like a rattle before the strike for Dwaraka. Some five or six months after the eclipse Dwaraka was struck by a tsunami. If the date I suggested is really a potential candidate for the return of Odysseus to Ithaca then I can say with even greater confidence that Ashwatthaman was at Troy months or years before Odysseus returned home.
I will not be surprised if it is Ashwatthaman who killed Achilles and also the men who were troubling the wife of Odysseus when Odysseus returned to Ithaca. Achilles was killed by an archer during the days of mourning for Hector. I do not think the Trojans had a hand in his death. Ashwatthaman's unearthly skill must have made both the Greeks and the Trojans to think they were dealing with a god; though the stink made them have second thoughts. Ashwatthaman's killing of Achilles and then wiping out Troy probably made the people think the gods were fighting both ends. Though I do not accept that Ashwatthaman had a precious stone studded in his forehead which was pulled out by Bhima; Ashwatthaman must have had an injury on his forehead which did not heal. His grotesque appearance probably is the source for the creation of the character of Polyphemus {The Cyclops} in The Odyssey.
For a long time I thought Astra Vidya is the inimitable imagination of the Brahmin interpolators. But if my suspicion that Ashwatthaman went to Troy is true, then he must use Astra Vidya or else he is just an old helpless stinking cripple no better or no worse than you or me. It also shows that the great epics The Mahabharata and The Iliad are highly romanticized versions of real life incidents. And most importantly that there really is a technique of warfare called "Astra Vidya".
I feel Ashwatthaman was more sinned against than sinning. It is absolutely miserable that the hero of two epics of two entirely different cultures is remembered only as an animal. The Hindus made an elephant out of him when they said "Ashwatthaman Hathaha. Kunjaraha" and The Greeks turned him into a Gigantic Wooden Horse. I really want to take a look at his horoscope and also his resumé.
How about a three hour movie on this?
What Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti, that Maha Rathi of recent times said about his teaching; I want to say the same thing about my "theory".
My "theory", if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort, garble, do what you like, even claim authorship, without my consent or the permission of anybody.
I don't care a damn if somebody wants to make a movie on this. But in case Sofia Coppola decides to then I don't mind writing the screenplay.
Let me start another ".90 caliber pezzonovante" of a controversy. In the novel, The Godfather, Johnny Fontane is Paris, Jack Woltz represents the entire Greek host, Don Vito Corleone represents the whole of Troy and Jack Woltz's "most valuable protégées" who "could suck you out like a water pump" is Helen and "Khartoum", the "six hundred thousand dollar" horse is "The Trojan Horse". Jack Woltz "wakes" up to find the head of his horse.
Why did Mario Puzo indulge in that farce? Well, The Italians trace their lineage to the Trojans and according to Homer, The Trojans dragged the "wooden horse" into the city of Troy, celebrated the end of the war by getting dead drunk and they "woke" up to find Troy taken. So, the novelist Mario Puzo, engaged in a kind of a literary vendetta by creating the "Khartoum" incident. Mario Puzo certainly has a message for Homer, "It's just storytelling. Nothing personal."
I do not know how I could correlate Ashwatthaman and Philoctetes. May be, I am Ashwatthaman in my past life. HE HE HE. Hope I neighed well. HE HE HE.
It is because of masters like Sri Sri Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri Maharaj that India has an iota of meaning for me.
That fellow Mahatma Gandhi Experimented with Truth. I will tell the results.
Truth hurts. To tell the painful Truth in a shattering manner is a vice of mine.
The Truth about Ancient India...
Among the many subjects that Ancient India had mastered, it had also mastered the science of violence and perfected it into an art. Today, the World has a God given duty to listen when India speaks about Ahimsa.
Yeah... You are reading right. It is Ashwatthaman who put an end to The Trojan War. Before I make that clear you should first take a look at the most critical dates of The Mahabharata.
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri's Ayanamsha is 00°00'00" on Vernal Equinox {March Equinox} of 0499. [ Assumed to be 22 Mar. 0499 Julian Calendar ]
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri's Ayanamsha is 20°54'36" on Vernal Equinox {March Equinox} of 1893. [ Assumed to be 22 Mar. 1893 Gregorian Calendar ]
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri's Ayanamsha Deviation per year is 00°00'54".
Don't worry if you do not know what an "Ayanamsha" is. Just read on.
{ All the following dates are according to Julian Calendar. }
Sri Krishna was born on 26 Jul. (Minus) 769. or on 26 Jul 770 BC.
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05 Dec. -744 -- Lunar Eclipse. Three Eclipses within thirty days.
20 Dec. -744 -- Solar Eclipse. There is a definite reference to this date though I cannot ascertain the incident connected to it. This date obviously has something to do with “The Uttarayana”. Winter Solstice {December Solstice}. If it is not the date on which the Pandavas were banished then it is probably the date on which Princess Uttara was born. The day probably explains her name.
04 Jan. -743 -- Lunar Eclipse.
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21 Feb. -729 -- Sri Krishna fixes the date for fighting. Sri Krishna was 39 Years old.
28 Feb. -729 -- Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse -- First Day
09 Mar. -729 -- Bhishma Falls -- Tenth Day
14 Mar. -729 -- Solar Eclipse -- Fifteenth day
17 Mar. -729 -- War Ends -- Eighteenth Day
22 Mar. -729 -- On Vernal Equinox... Bhishma Dies. { This is "Thirteenth day" from the Fall of Bhishma. This day also happens to be Shukla Ashtami. }
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Just because The Kurukshetra War is a sensational incident it does not mean every aspect of the incident is sensational. Even sensational incidents have humble contributors. The eclipses at the time of The Kurukshetra War were very ordinary eclipses. There was not even a total solar eclipse at Kurukshetra. There is no "Thirteenth - Day Eclipse". It is Bhishma who waited for thirteen days before he dropped his body. And our great interpolating Brahmins jumbled up the texts and made a septic tank of Veda Vyasa's milk like work. In the Sixth Parva, actually called The Bhishma Parva, there are details of the planetary positions at the time of war. But, to make our lives miserable, there are two positons for Ketu also called "Dragon's Tail". Two positions for Mars, Two positions for Jupiter, and Rahu also called "Dragon's Head" is just a few degrees away from Ketu!!! Even a person who is learning the fundamentals of Vedic Astrology will say that Rahu is ALWAYS 180 Degrees away from Ketu. So the "Vedic Astrologers" who try to fix the date take the planetary positions that they find convenient... and yes, the planetary positions that tally with decades before 3100 BC. One guy even suggested a date which takes us back to some year prior to 5000 BC!!!
The planetary positions that you read in Bhishma Parva are NOT only of The Kurukshetra War but the jumbled up positions of four major incidents of The Mahabharata. First, The Birth of Sri Krishna; Second, The Solar Eclipse on December Solstice; Third, The Planetary positions at the time of The Kurukshetra War; and Fourth, The Tsunami at Dwaraka. As I said before, our great interpolating Brahmins jumbled up the texts and made a septic tank of Veda Vyasa's milk like work.
For further information, read my other post titled "The Holy Science".
Coming back to Ashwatthaman; there is a particular line in Karna Parva where Sanjaya says to Dhritarashtra, "Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and Drona's son and Karna and Arjuna and Janardana, those thorough masters of the science of weapons, are regarded by thee as the foremost of car-warriors."
I always felt the list of "Astra Vidya Nipunas" or experts of Astra Vidya is very small. And there are only seven names in this list. Five men fighting for the Kauravas and Sri Krishna and Arjuna representing the Pandavas. I really feel this line is by Veda Vyasa. Bhishma, Drona and Karna died in The Kurukshetra War. To be precise, Bhishma died a few days after the war.
According to The Mahabharata, Ashwatthaman killed a foetus though I feel he did something else interesting enough to get cursed by Sri Krishna.
Read these very critical lines in Sauptika Parva;
The holy one said, "The fall of this mighty weapon will not be fruitless. The foetus will die. But being dead, it will live again and have a long life! As regards thyself, all wise men know thee for a coward and a sinful wretch! Always engaged in sinful acts, thou art the slayer of children. For this reason, thou must have to bear the fruit of these thy sins. For 3,000 years thou shalt wander over this earth, without a companion and without being able to talk with anyone. Alone and without anybody by thy side, thou shalt wander through diverse countries, O wretch, thou shalt have no place in the midst of men. The stench of pus and blood shall emanate from thee, and inaccessible forests and dreary moors shall be thy abode! Thou shalt wander over the Earth, O thou of sinful soul, with the weight of all diseases on thee.
The heroic Parikshit, attaining to age and a knowledge of the Vedas and the practice of pious vows, shall obtain all weapons from the son of Sharadvata. Having obtained a knowledge of all high weapons, and observant of all kshatriya duties, that righteous-souled king shall rule the earth for sixty years. More than this, that boy shall become the mighty-armed king of the Kurus, known by the name of Parikshit, before thy very eyes, O thou of wicked soul! Though burnt by the energy of thy weapon's fire, I shall revive him. O lowest of men, behold the energy of my austerities and my truth."
The "Holy One" is Sri Krishna. He must have said 30. Our Brahmin geniuses must have made it 3000. India's greatest contribution is said to be zero and our Brahmins put it wherever they please. Sri Krishna must have made love to 16 women. Brahmins made it 16,000. IN THE PAST IT IS ONLY BRAHMINS WHO HAD ACCESS TO THESE BOOKS. SO, IT IS TAKEN FOR GRANTED THAT THE BRAHMINS INTERPOLATED, EDITED AND RAPED THE BOOKS. "INTERPOLATION" is a very gentle word to use in reference to what Brahmins did to Veda Vyasa's epic. If some lines are nightmarish schizophrenic hallucinations, then some are delusions of grandeur and with occasional sexual fantasies about the queens. May be we would again need the Brahmin interpolators to coin a word for what they did. I really wonder what Veda Vyasa would say if he sees his "epic" now.
Sri Krishna must have said 30. And he probably said that Parikshit would live for 60 years and not as written. Sri Krishna was 66 years and 6 Months old when he died on 15 Feb -702. Sri Krishna was 39 at the time of war. Ashwatthaman would be between 32 and 36 at the time of war. Add 30 to that and he too would be probably dead by the time he was 62 or 66 or 70 maximum. He would certainly be at least 4 years younger than the youngest Kuru prince. If what we read in the Mahabharata is true, Drona came to Hastinapura for the sake of his young and very innocent little son, Ashwatthaman who needed milk. And Drona ended up as the teacher of the Kuru princes who were already around 8 to 10 years old. Even if we do give the Brahmins the benefit of doubt and assume it is 3000; then I feel it would be through a series of lifetimes and not one single lengthy lifetime as Hindus were given to understand by the Brahmins.
Only four Astra Vidya experts were alive after the war. Kripacharya, Sri Krishna, Arjuna and the absolutely impulsive Ashwatthaman. And Ashwatthaman was told to get out. "Banished" if you want to use a better word.
From that point on Ashwatthaman was a stinking expert archer and a vagabond.
And in a place called Ilion also called Troy, the Greeks were fighting against the Trojans. Very nice. And the Greeks were told that the bow of Hercules has to be used if the Greeks wanted victory. Who has this bow? It is with a guy called Philoctetes. What is his description? PHILOCTETES IS A STINKING EXPERT ARCHER IN RAGS!!!
Before we derive our conclusions let's know the Greek version of who Philoctetes was.
Philoctetes was a Greek king and was one of Helen's suitors. He joined the other Greeks along with his army to attack Troy. But on their way to Troy they all stopped at some island where a snake bit Mr. Philoctetes. And the injury filled with pus started stinking. Unable to bear the stink, the Greeks left Philoctetes on the island obviously without his knowledge. And the Greeks sailed to Troy along with the army of Philoctetes. At the end of the tenth year, after Achilles died, the Greeks realised that they need Philoctetes if they have to take Troy. So they decided to bear the stink and they bring that stinking expert archer in rags. Philoctetes kills Paris. And in the meanwhile Odysseus comes with his "Trojan Horse" idea.
Now, my contention is this...
The Greeks were not going to attend a party when they were going to Troy. They were going there to wage a war. After a long day's war anyone would stink because of the sweat, dirt and blood, that too if he is lucky enough to be alive in the first place. In a war, a person being skilled is more important than how he smells.
So, I feel Ashwatthaman must have gone there and his presence put an end to the war. Whether the Greeks fought for ten years or not is immaterial. Whether they were fighting for Helen or not also is immaterial. Ashwatthaman must have seen the Greeks fighting against the Trojans. How did he become the friend of Greeks? I do not know. May be the intelligent Odysseus played a crucial role in the hand shake.
Within a few fleeting moments Ashwatthaman must have wiped out the entire city of Troy of all of its able bodied men. May be the only thing he allowed the Greeks to do was to rape the Trojan women, kill the children and burn the city. Or in one word "desTROY".
What are the Greek soldiers going to tell their children, wives and parents after they go home? That they fought for a long long time without even successfully making a hole in the wall of Troy? That a Nobody from Nowhere came and finished the job in the blink of an eye and walked away? And that their only significant contribution to the Trojan War is raping the helpless unprotected women of Troy? Many Greeks from many small kingdoms came to Troy. Each group must have created a story each. Two stories remained unto this day. In one version Ashwatthaman is introduced to us as a Greek king called Philoctetes and the other, the more famous one. The "Trojan Horse". A gigantic wooden horse that finally desTROYed Troy. Ashwatthaman is that "Trojan Horse". The meaning of the word "Ashwatthaman" is "He whose laughter resembles the neighing of a horse". "Ashwa" means "Horse".
Honestly, I cannot give a good solution to how Ashwatthaman communicated with the Greeks. Obviously, Ashwatthaman had a bow in his hand, that should indicate that he is either a warrior, or a hunter. And in rags should show that he is in need of financial help. And certainly he would be hungry. May be Odysseus approached him with a plate of food. And in return Ashwatthaman must have done them a little service -that of wiping out Troy. The Greeks must have in some way were able to ask him his name and probably Ashwatthaman simply pointed to a Horse.
The Greeks may not like my theory. And as I had all along been saying that the Brahmins interpolated the epics of India. The Greeks might use it against me and say that it's the Brahmins who deliberately created this situation after reading or becoming familiar with The Greek Epic Cycle. It is true that The Mahabharata reached its present form somewhere in the Fourth Century AD some 600 to 700 years after Alexander's visit to India with his "World Conquest". There is a very high chance of Brahmins having borrowed heavily from The Greek Epic Cycle. I will never overrule that possibility. But I have a very simple question here. Then how are the Greeks going to explain Philoctetes' absence for nearly ten years? That the fellow is stinking and hence left on the island is pure BULLSHIT. Let the Greeks come with a more logical reason. The Greeks certainly cannot accuse the Brahmins of interpolating the Greek Epic Cycle. It is not Brahmins who said that Philoctetes was not a part of the Trojan War till the fag end. The Greeks say that.
Now, for a critical Astrological or Astronomical question. The scientists say that Odysseus returned home on 16 Apr. 1178 BC?
Use the FREEWARE Vedic Astrology Software Jagannatha Hora v.7.33. And keep toggling between Sayana and Swami Sri Yukteswar's Ayanamshas. I don't say the software is precise but it serves the purpose and above all it's FREE.
The scientists give these planetary details...Odysseus is told to watch the Pleiades {Krittika} and late-setting Boötes {Swati} and keep the Great Bear to his left. Next, five days before the supposed eclipse, Odysseus arrives in Ithaca as the Star of Dawn - that is, Venus - rises ahead of the sun. And that there was a solar eclipse close to noon local time and Mercury was in retrograde.
I say that the scientists chose a date which tallied with their archaeological findings. They did not fix the date completely basing on the planetary positions. The Sun and the Moon were in or near Pleiades {Krittika} on 16 Apr. 1178 BC. But why was Odysseus also asked to take a look at Boötes {Swati}? There are no planets there. Only Ketu. And let me remind my readers that Ketu is not a planet. It is not even a tangible celestial object. It is called a "Chhaya Graha" or "Shadow Planet" in Vedic astrology. It is also referred to only as a "mathematical point" by some astrologers. So what was Odysseus told to look at? And Mercury was in retrograde motion a couple of months before the said eclipse. And the "Maximum Eclipse" occured around 20 minutes after 12:00.
Now, consider the date I suggest. 19 Oct. -703. It was also a day of solar eclipse at Ithaca. The "Maximum Eclipse" occurred around 20 minutes before 12:00. There are no planets in or near Pleiades {Krittika}. The Sun and the Moon are in the constellation called Boötes {Swati} roughly 180° away from Pleiades {Krittika}. Mercury is in Retrograde motion. And Venus is 10° ahead of the sun though in retrograde motion. Then why was "Pleiades" {Krittika} referred to if there were no planets there? Well, this is what Wikipedia had to say about Pleiades {Krittika} star cluster, "It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky." So, I say Odysseus was first told to look at Pleiades {Krittika} and then look exactly opposite at Boötes {Swati} which is roughly 180° away from Pleiades {Krittika}.
Personally, I cannot pinpoint the constellation Pleiades {Krittika} much less the Boötes {Swati}. Though Krittika also happens to be my Janma Nakshatra. For all I care the stars are only the haphazard droppings of strange birds on the floor called "Sky". Yo, I am becoming poetic. Having read Brahmin interpolations for so long I too am getting poetic. Hope it doesn't get to epic proportions.
The solar eclipse which took Odysseus home was the very same eclipse which was like a rattle before the strike for Dwaraka. Some five or six months after the eclipse Dwaraka was struck by a tsunami. If the date I suggested is really a potential candidate for the return of Odysseus to Ithaca then I can say with even greater confidence that Ashwatthaman was at Troy months or years before Odysseus returned home.
I will not be surprised if it is Ashwatthaman who killed Achilles and also the men who were troubling the wife of Odysseus when Odysseus returned to Ithaca. Achilles was killed by an archer during the days of mourning for Hector. I do not think the Trojans had a hand in his death. Ashwatthaman's unearthly skill must have made both the Greeks and the Trojans to think they were dealing with a god; though the stink made them have second thoughts. Ashwatthaman's killing of Achilles and then wiping out Troy probably made the people think the gods were fighting both ends. Though I do not accept that Ashwatthaman had a precious stone studded in his forehead which was pulled out by Bhima; Ashwatthaman must have had an injury on his forehead which did not heal. His grotesque appearance probably is the source for the creation of the character of Polyphemus {The Cyclops} in The Odyssey.
For a long time I thought Astra Vidya is the inimitable imagination of the Brahmin interpolators. But if my suspicion that Ashwatthaman went to Troy is true, then he must use Astra Vidya or else he is just an old helpless stinking cripple no better or no worse than you or me. It also shows that the great epics The Mahabharata and The Iliad are highly romanticized versions of real life incidents. And most importantly that there really is a technique of warfare called "Astra Vidya".
I feel Ashwatthaman was more sinned against than sinning. It is absolutely miserable that the hero of two epics of two entirely different cultures is remembered only as an animal. The Hindus made an elephant out of him when they said "Ashwatthaman Hathaha. Kunjaraha" and The Greeks turned him into a Gigantic Wooden Horse. I really want to take a look at his horoscope and also his resumé.
How about a three hour movie on this?
What Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti, that Maha Rathi of recent times said about his teaching; I want to say the same thing about my "theory".
My "theory", if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort, garble, do what you like, even claim authorship, without my consent or the permission of anybody.
I don't care a damn if somebody wants to make a movie on this. But in case Sofia Coppola decides to then I don't mind writing the screenplay.
Let me start another ".90 caliber pezzonovante" of a controversy. In the novel, The Godfather, Johnny Fontane is Paris, Jack Woltz represents the entire Greek host, Don Vito Corleone represents the whole of Troy and Jack Woltz's "most valuable protégées" who "could suck you out like a water pump" is Helen and "Khartoum", the "six hundred thousand dollar" horse is "The Trojan Horse". Jack Woltz "wakes" up to find the head of his horse.
Why did Mario Puzo indulge in that farce? Well, The Italians trace their lineage to the Trojans and according to Homer, The Trojans dragged the "wooden horse" into the city of Troy, celebrated the end of the war by getting dead drunk and they "woke" up to find Troy taken. So, the novelist Mario Puzo, engaged in a kind of a literary vendetta by creating the "Khartoum" incident. Mario Puzo certainly has a message for Homer, "It's just storytelling. Nothing personal."
I do not know how I could correlate Ashwatthaman and Philoctetes. May be, I am Ashwatthaman in my past life. HE HE HE. Hope I neighed well. HE HE HE.
It is because of masters like Sri Sri Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri Maharaj that India has an iota of meaning for me.